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Easy Leave Management 

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Keep track of your days off


eLeave is our intuitive leave management system that allows employees to apply for leave and manage their leave balances online. This Software-as-a-Service work tool provides a simple way for your employees and managers to administer their paid time off. Once an application has been submitted, the request is automatically routed via email to the employees’ supervisors for approval.

eLeave provides configurable setup screens to allow you to customize the system to cater to your unique leave policies. With this customizable nature, our system is able to accommodate organizations of all sizes. For companies with employees in multiple countries, the manager and HR administrator roles allow for leave management over different regions.

Features & Benefits
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On The Cloud

A fully online, cloud-based application that manages your employees leave balances, calendars, and approval management

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Multi-Country Payroll 

Manage your multiple entities in countries around the region from just one place

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Easily plan your leave and track your leave schedule with our simple to use calendar tool


Notifications & Alerts 

Receive reminder alerts and delegation of leave approval on-the-go, allowing you to keep track of your schedule worry-free

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Seamless Integration

Able to integrate with i-Admin’s ePayroll system to enable seamless and accurate processing of the month’s payroll

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Multiple User Type 

Meal and transport allowances can be tracked and logged through the interface, and receipts uploaded directly to the system

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Detailed Reports

Create leave management reports that you can access and edit anytime with our online portal tracking.png

Simple Data Tracking

Audit tracking is provided to allow you to easily view any data changes made on the system

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Automated System

Our automated workflow for certain leave types allows you to get your leave without having to go through HR

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