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Secured. Streamlined.

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Manage your workflow on-the-go.

Human Capital Management System

i-Admin’s eHR service is our Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) suite of cloud-based HR workflow management applications, which you can access through a single login ID and password. Through our secure eHR portal, you can eliminate your manual processes and create a seamless workflow for your employees.


Secure & Trusted System

Never worry about losing personal information and data with our safe and trusted platforms conlidated data.png

One Consolidated Database 

Eliminate manual processes and hardcopy forms with our simple, consolidated database

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Powerful System

Every process is run and captured by the system so your data is protected and secure

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Simple & Intuitive

Easy to use and quick to deploy without investment in infrastructure and licenses

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Single Sign on 

Integrating our platform with your existing IT infrastructure allows access to all eHR features with just one sign in

Discover the benefits of eHR


An intuitive leave system that allows your employees to apply for leave and manage their leave balances online.

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A web-based platform that eliminates messy paperwork involved in a traditional manual claims process.


A system that allows your employees to key in daily working hours online instead of on hardcopy timesheets.

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