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10 Characteristics of A Mentally Healthy Workplace

Leaders and managers shape the well-being of their employees by demonstrating positive behaviours, that promote a happy, healthy and connected work environment.

One of simplest and visible signals of a strong well-being culture at work is when colleagues greet each other with the common courtesy of a smile and saying “good morning” and “thank you.”

The results of a new study by SuperFriend, that surveyed more than 1,000 Australian workers, found that nearly half of respondents (both managers and staff) have left a job because of an environment promoting poor mental health.

In fact, 48% of people surveyed have personally experienced mental health issues (themselves or through family and close friends), while 15% have actually managed someone experiencing them.

superfriend report on mental health

SuperFriend identified 10 characteristics that build a positive and mentally healthy workplace, noting how many respondents currently have these in their office:

  1. People greet each other in the morning, smile, make eye contact and say ‘thank you’ – it’s common courtesy – 38%

  2. Managers support and facilitate flexible working to meet individual needs – 34%

  3. Managers are accessible when you need them and will listen – 34%

  4. There is effective team working and a supportive team environment – 32%

  5. Managers make sure employees have the resources to do the job – 31%

  6. There is praise and recognition for good performance and achievement – 29%

  7. Managers give clear guidance on priorities and what is expected of employees – 27%

  8. Managers set a good example for a happy, healthy and productive workforce – 27%

  9. There is sensitivity to the needs of those who have children or others to care for – 25%

  10. Managers provide regular feedback in a way that helps employees improve their performance – 25%

Additionally, respondents were quizzed on specialist support provided, such as access to assistance programmes or time off work for those recovering from mental health problems.

features of a good mental health programme at work

Source: humanresourcesonline Infographics: SuperFriend

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