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Leveraging Verified Reviews To Decide Your Payroll Software

Choosing the ideal payroll software for your organisation can be a huge investment. When done right, it is a pleasure to use. After all, implementing a payroll software brings about a myriad of benefits including accuracy in payroll calculations and reporting, ease of report generation and time efficiency. In order for that to happen, however, the payroll software should adapt to the unique needs of your organisation.

While there are various ways to decide on the right payroll software for your organisation, one key aspect that should not be overlooked are customer reviews.

What are customer reviews?

As defined by HubSpot, a customer review is a reflection of a customer’s experience with that particular organisation’s products or services. These reviews are typically found on sites such as Google Reviews, Facebook or even on the organisation’s website itself. Potential customers often rely on these customer reviews to understand how the product or service works and whether it is worth their investment. According to the Local Consumer Review Survey 2022, 49% of customers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations. Particularly within the services sector, such as the payroll software industry, over three-quarters (84%) of customers indicated that reviews play an “important” or “very important” part in consumers’ decisions.

Anyone can publish a review online, which means that there is almost no control over the content of the review. These reviews can contain positive feedback, negative experiences and in some cases, untrue claims about the organisation’s business.

To identify the reviews that are true or not, the trick is to look out for verified customer reviews over the occasional fake claims. Verified reviews refers to reviews that are left by customers who have actually purchased that particular payroll software, as opposed to paid or anonymous reviewers or spammers. Verified reviews also help to ensure the authenticity of the feedback left behind by the paying customer.

How can verified customer reviews help in the decision-making process?

Ensures accurate information to facilitate decision-making

Verified customer reviews offer a reliable source in your payroll software decision-making. It ensures that the information or feedback provided is truthful, and not out of malice or for commercial gains.

Reveals existing features that you were previously unaware of

Unlike anonymous reviews, verified customer reviews tend to be more lengthy and detailed. The reviews may highlight features of the payroll software that you were previously unaware of. For example, the ability of the payroll software to manage global payroll records or round-the-clock customer service support.

Highlights key points or areas to look out for when engaging the new payroll software

Aside from the payroll software features, verified customer reviews help to narrow down key features or pain points that you should be aware of when deciding on your payroll software. For example, while price and software customisation are some of the key features to consider, you may not be aware of other hidden costs until they are highlighted or reviewed by past customers or users.

Addresses questions that you may have regarding the new payroll software

Most payroll software vendors are willing to address potential customers’ inquiries or have a dedicated frequently asked questions (FAQ) page. But if you are unable to find the answers that you need, browsing through verified customer reviews may help to clarify some of your burning questions. Some websites also offer an online forum page, where users can post their payroll software-related questions or topics for discussion.

Clarifies any false assumptions or misinformation

Word-of-mouth marketing is undoubtedly one of the strongest marketing strategies in the payroll software industry. However, such marketing tactics may inadvertently create a wrong or incorrect representation of a particular payroll software. This may lead you to dismiss certain payroll software that could have addressed your payroll needs. Verified customer reviews help to clarify some of these false assumptions or misinformation, enabling you to make an informed decision when it comes to investing in payroll software.


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