Virtual Reality (VR) is the latest buzz in the technology world today. Besides merely being used for gaming, VR today plays a crucial role in the workplace as well. Simulation of client scenarios, learning and development and even in recruitment, the possibilities of VR today is far more advanced and less costly as opposed to a decade ago.
Today, VR adds a new dimension to recruiting employees in organisations. On one hand, utilising VR in recruitment leaves a lasting impression particularly on Millennials who value new experiences as opposed to a traditional workplace. VR helps in employer branding and creates the impression of a modern and fun workplace to potential candidates.
While it is certainly a huge leap for organisations to invest in VR technology for their recruitment needs, there are numerous success stories in the market whereby VR has helped to enhance the overall recruitment experience for potential candidates as well as boost the organisation’s brand as well. One such example is Jaguar. The luxury vehicle brand teamed up with Gorillaz to launch a free mixed reality app which allow potential candidates to learn about the nuances of electric vehicles. At the same time, candidates can play engaging but demanding code-breaking puzzles. According to Jaguar, these games are meant to test candidates’ curiosity, persistence, lateral thinking as well as problem-solving skills. This unusual recruitment approach no doubt has its benefits to the organisation – candidates are most likely to “remember” Jaguar when apply for jobs and candidates who excel at these code-breaking games are fast-tracked through the recruiting process.
There are various ways in which organisations can leverage on VR as part of their recruitment drive. Here are some factors that organisations should consider before introducing VR into their recruitment process
Plan what you want to highlight
Before diving straight into VR, think of the company’s message that you want to put across to potential candidates. It could be to focus on the fancy amenities that your office have, so you might have a virtual tour of the entire office. Alternatively, perhaps the office working culture is something that you want to highlight to candidates. As such, you could create a virtual scenario whereby a potential candidate could sit in a meeting and participate in discussions. Essentially, the purpose of VR is to drive the company’s values and it is imperative to ensure that the VR experience that candidates receive drives your message and key differentiators.
Decide on your medium for maximum impact
Consider what type of VR would work for best to drive your message across. Would an interactive VR session through a TV screen drive the key message to your target pool of candidates? Or perhaps an immersive setting through mobile devices which might appeal to Millennial job candidates. Knowing the demographics of your target audience as well as the message that you want to drive through VR would help you better design the VR experience.
Recruitment today is no longer merely face to face interviews whereby interviewers asked a standardized set of questions to candidates. Given that job seekers today look beyond mere compensation packages – such as cultural fit and workplace environment, leveraging on VR is a great way to showcase the organisation in a different view. While VR does not have to be the main focus in your recruitment process, it can certainly enhance the overall recruitment experience for both employers and employees.